(May – June , 2023)


You worked so hard and pushed your abilities to the limit to make this success happen. Congratulations!

It Happened One Night In Space PILOT Episode “Take Me To Your Leadership Attitude”

Written By – Pamela Perry Goulardt
Winner – Best TV Pilot Script / Screenplay Category

Pep Step Pizza

Directed By – Evan Ostrow
Finalist – Best Animation Film Category

Ghosting Society

Directed By – Rory Knox
Winner – Best Short Film Category
Best Actor Category

Trust Me

Written By – Jonathan James Izard
Winner – Best Unproduced Script Category

The Sunshine Summit O’er the Mountain of Dishes

Directed By – James Kirby
Winner – Best Mobile Film Category
Finalist – Best Comedy Film Category

The poor song for a poor LITTLE KAIJU

Directed By – Hiroaki Hirakata
Finalist – Best Original Music Category

I think she said her name was

Directed By – Zev Howley
Winner – Best Ten Minutes Film Category

The Change Of Growing

Directed By – Guo Jia Hao
Winner – Best Short Film Category
Best Student Film Category


Directed By – Vivian N
Finalist – Best Student Film Category


Directed By – Joe Boi
Winner – Best Horror Film Category
Best Director Category
Finalist – Best Original Music Category
Best Actor Category


Written By – Lynn Elliott
Winner – Best Script / Screenplay Category

Last Stand on the Falklands

Written By – Mark John Alden
Winner – Best Script / Screenplay Category

Invitation To My Own Assassination

Written By – Casey Mensing
Winner – Best Unproduced Script Category

Brothers for Life

Directed By – Sydney Bennett
Finalist – Best Mobile Film Category

Ghost of the Deadlands

Directed By – Joseph Rodriguez
Winner – Best Horror Film Category

Solid Venom

Written By – Matt Bland, Paul Hodgson, Stuart Hanrahan, Joseph Tan
Winner – Best Script / Screenplay Category

The Rad Scientist

Directed By – Paul Sprangers
Winner – Best Sci-Fi Movie Category
Best Director Category
Best Actress Category
Finalist – Best Short Film Category
Best Comedy Film Category


Directed By – Richard Goss, Jessica Crooks
 Winner – Best Cinematographer Category
Best Actor Category


Directed By – Serge Tiar
Winner – Best Short Film Category

Legends of the Underside

Directed By – Chris Stott
Winner – Best Original Music Category

Detective MJ: Our Nations’ Capital

Directed By – Morris D. Small
Finalist– Best Comedy Film Category


Directed By – Jack Grewar
Winner – Best Short Drama Category
Best Actor Category


Directed By – Seongho Won
Winner – Best Short Film Category
Finalist – Best Student Film Category
Best Short Drama Category

Custer’s Last Plan (Script Movie)

Directed By – Matthew Toffolo
Written By – Pamela Perry Goulardt
Winner – Best Experimental Film Category

Tales from Three Corners – Compilation

Written By – Jacq Ellem
Winner – Best Podcast Category

VERLEE: The First Job Coach

Written By – Lauren c Unger
Finalist – Best Script / Screenplay Category

A Tale of Two Buses

Written By – PG Hodgson
Winner – Best Script / Screenplay Category


Directed By – Reese Morgan
Finalist – Best Horror Film Category


Directed By – Luis Perez Villegas
Winner – Best Acting Ensemble Category
 Best Actress Category
 Best TV Series Category

Love In Shadows

Directed By – Natasha C.G. Smith
Finalist – Five Minute Film Category